
After obtaining my PhD in sociology at Sciences-po Paris in 2004, I worked as a lecturer at the University of Lille (2005-2008), then at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris (2008-2015). Since 2015, I hold the Canada Research Chair in Social Inequalities and Life Course, and I am a professor of sociology at the University of Montreal. 

My research focuses on the place of young people and the evolution of inequalities between generation from a comparative point of view. I am the author of several books on these themes, including «Becoming an Adult. Comparative Sociology of Youth in Europe » (Presses Universitaires de France, 2008) and « Sociology of Life Course » (Armand Colin, 2015). I have received several awards and distinctions : French National Merit Order (2015), Italia Prize (2014), Red Cross Senior Research Prize (2013), and Le Monde University Research Prize (2006).

I am currently developing a comprehensive theory of social anger at a global level: I carry out a comparative analysis of protests and anti-system narratives of young adults in different parts of the world in the last decade (Canada, Chile, France, Spain and Hong Kong) to identify the contemporary dynamics of anger, and their relation to hope and alternatives. The purpose is to come up with new tools to build more inclusive policies for youth in a post-Covid world.  The book I am currently writing on these issues is entitled « Anger and Hope. What Young People Tell Us about our World ».

Current academic positions

2021-2022 :
Visiting Scholar – Harvard University, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.
Weatherhead Scholars Program Affiliate
Comparative Inequality and Inclusion Cluster Affiliate
2015- :
Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Montréal
2015- : 
Holder of the Canada Research Chair on Social Inequalities and Life Course 
Professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, School for Social Sciences, Paris), Chair of « Sociology of Ages ». Tenure position (in temporary leave).


Member of the CREMIS (Montreal research centre on social inequalities, discrimination and alternative practices of citizenship), head of the “Inequalities and Life Course” axis 
Member of l’Observatoire Jeunesses et sociétés (Youth and Societies), Canada
Associate member of the Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris, France 

Editorial functions

Member of the Editorial Board of Canadian Review of Sociology
Member of the Editorial Board of Lien Social et Politique
Member of the Editorial Board of Sociologie
Membre of the Editorial Board of Sociologie et Sociétés
Creator and editor-in-chief of the website Inegalitessociales.com

Other professional positions

Board Member of the SCNF Foundation
President of the Scientific Council of the survey ENVIE (“Survey on the Affective Life of Young Adults”), INED (French National Institute of Demographic Studies), 2019-2022
Member of the Franco-British Council

Invited Professor

Invited at Sciences-po Paris, Observatoire sociologique du changement, France, October 7-22, 2019. 
Invited at Goethe Institut and at the French Institute of Seoul, Korea, May 1-20, 2019. 
Invited at the University of Chile, Faculdad de ciencias sociales, Santiago du Chili, April 10-25, 2019. 
Invited at the Institut Français de recherche sur le Japon, Maison franco-japonaise, Tokyo, October-December 2018. 
Invited at the University of Prague by the European Sociological Association, August 2015.
Invited at the University of Montréal, Department of Sociology, January-May 2012. 

Main Previous Positions

Professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, School for Social Sciences, Paris), Chair of « Sociology of Ages and Generations». Tenure position (in temporary leave)
President of the Scientific College of the “National Observatory of Student Life”(France)
Member of the “High Council Board on Family nominated by the Prime Minister (France)
Member of the “Commission on the Future of Pensions”, nominated by the Prime Minister (France)
Member of Scientific Council of the City of Paris
Scientific Councelor for the study and the 3 Documentaries “Generation What?”, Broadcast on France2TV (2013)
Deputy Director of the Center Maurice Halbwachs, Paris
Professor in Sociology at the University of Lille
Scientific Adviser for the Council of Strategic Analysis (France Stratégie), Prime Ministry
Lecturer at Sciences-Po -Institute of Political Studies, Paris


Chevalière de l’Ordre National du Mérite, French Republic, appointed by decree of the President of the Republic of May 15, 2015.
Italia Award for the Transmedia Projet entitled “What Generation” (Collective Price for 3 Documentaries and an Internet Consultation)
Senior “Red Cross” Award for the Research “Loneliness throughout Life Course”, 2013. 
« Le Monde » Award of University Research for the dissertation « Becoming Adult. Compared Sociology of Youth in Europe », 2006. 
PhD Grant awarded by the CREST (INSEE/Ministry of Economy), 2000-2003. 


Ph.D. of Sociology at Sciences-po – Institute of Political Studies of Paris (1999 – 2004), Summa cum laude: « Becoming Adult. Compared Sociology of Youth in Europe », under the supervision of Serge Paugam, Jury: Alain Chenu, Olivier Galland,  Duncan Gallie, Serge Paugam, Dominique Schnapper (President) 

Master of Sociology at Sciences-po -Institute of Political Studies of Paris (1998)

Sciences-po, Institute of Political Studies of Paris (1994-1997), Summa cum laude
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